
Sleep Disorder

About the Disease
Sleep Disorder, also known as sleep disorders, is related to narcolepsy 1 and idiopathic hypersomnia, and has symptoms including back pain, cachexia and cyanosis. An important gene associated with Sleep Disorder is HCRT (Hypocretin Neuropeptide Precursor), and among its related pathways/superpathways are IL-9 Signaling Pathways and Peptide hormone metabolism. The drugs Tramadol and Ketamine have been mentioned in the context of this disorder. Affiliated tissues include heart, brain and lung, and related phenotypes are no effect and no effect

Common Targets
ADRA2C | GPR55 | G5243 | SCN5A | Glutamate Receptor Ionotropic AMPA Receptor | HTR7 | CACNA1H | GPR139 | HRH3 | PROKR2 | G114548 | CSNK1E | Mitogen-activated protein kinase p38 (MAPK p38) (nonspecified subtype) | PDE4D | CACNA1B | HLA-DQB1 | 5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 3 (5-HT3 receptor) (nonspecified subtype) | Corticotropin-Releasing Factor (CRF) Receptor (nonspecified subtype) | LDLR | KCNC1 | KDR | AURKA | AVPR1A | G1956 | ABL1 | GRM5 | BMAL1 | AANAT | Tyrosine-Protein Kinases Src (nonspecified subtype) | CHRM4 | MTNR1A | Phosphodiesterase 1 (PDE1) (nonspecified subtype) | Gamma-Aminobutyric acid type B receptor | NPSR1 | MGLL | DRD4 | SLCO2B1 | AVPR1B | OPRM1 | ALOX12 | T-Type Calcium Channel | Alpha-2 Adrenergic receptors (nonspecified subtype) | GABRB2 | KCNC2 | CNR2 | GABRG2 | SIGMAR1 | CHRM1 | Casein kinase I (nonspecified subtype) | Calcium channel (nonspecified subtype) | HTR4 | HCRTR1 | KCNK2 | TYR | P2RX3 | CACNA1G | GRM2 | Protein kinase C (nonspecified subtype) | CLK4 | NF-kappaB (NFkB) | PDE9A | ADORA1 | CDK5 | Nicotinic alpha3beta4 Receptor | ADORA2B | SLC6A9 | TRPM8 | MAP3K14 | alpha-Adrenoceptor (nonspecified subtype) | NPY2R | TOP1 | HTR2B | Opioid receptor (nonspecified subtype) | SLC6A2 | HTR1A | HTR5A | DRD2 | MAPT-AS1 | CHRNA7 | UTS2R | CNR1 | BCHE | G4137 | MTNR1B | GABA(A) receptor | TRPV2 | ADRA2A | DYRK3 | HLA-DRB1 | DYRK1A | KCNQ Channels (K(v) 7) (nonspecified subtype) | OPRL1 | P2RX4 | Orexin receptor (nonspecified subtype) | K(ATP) Channel (nonspecified subtype) | ADORA2A | NPY5R | OXT | TRPV1 | Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Complex | PTGDR | PTPN1 | XDH | ADORA3 | KCNK3 | TSPO | OPRD1 | GABRA1 | HCRTR2 | ACHE | VIPR2 | sigma Receptor (nonspecified subtype) | CSNK1A1 | PTGDR2 | NTRK1 | DRD1 | GSK3B | SOAT1 | Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) (nonspecified subtype) | G9429 | LINC02210-CRHR1 | PDE1B | G2475 | FAAH | GNRHR | G3630 | GRM3 | Cryptochrome (nonspecified subtype) | Sterol O-acyltransferase (ACAT) (nonspecified subtype) | Vasopressin Receptor (nonspecified subtype) | Sodium channel (nonspecified subtype) | PROKR1 | HTR6 | CRHR1 | Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor (nonspecified subtype) | KCNK9 | Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (nonspecified subtype) | GABRD | CLK1 | Transglutaminase (nonspecified subtype) | RBM39 | SLC6A1 | NQO2 | TMEM97 | AP-1 Transcription Factor Complex | MAPK10 | NR1D2 | DYRK1B | 5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 2 (5-HT2) (nonspecified subtype) | HTR1B | G196 | NR3C1 | TH | SCN9A | alpha1-Adrenoceptor (nonspecified subtype) | SLC6A4 | TACR1 | GABRA2 | HRH1 | IL2 | NR1D1 | NMDA receptor | SOAT2 | Histamine Receptor (HR) (nonspecified subtype) | SGMS1 | GHRHR | APP | SLCO1B1 | CASP1 | SLCO1A2 | 5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor (nonspecified subtype) | CSNK1D | NT5E | ADRA1B | DYRK2 | NOS2 | HTR2A | HTR2C | G4233 | VDR | TRPA1 | G5743 | CRHR2 | SLC29A1 | MCHR1 | TAAR1 | Potassium Channels (nonspecified subtype) | PRKCE | HTR1D | CLK2 | HRH4 | APOE | Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel alpha-2/delta (nonspecified subtype) | DRD3 | CHRM2 | ALOX5 | NLRP3 Inflammasome | SLC6A3 | OXTR | GABRA3 | FLT3 | G7124 | Proteasome Complex

Sleep Disorder

Note: If you'd like to get a target analysis report for Sleep Disorder, or if you are interested to learn how our AI-powered BDE-Chem can design therapeutic molecules to interact with the target(s) above against the disease of Sleep Disorder at a cost 90% lower than traditional approaches, please feel free to contact us at BD@silexon.ai.

Other Diseases

Mumps | Osteoarthritis | Osteochondroma | Cholelithiasis | Traboulsi Syndrome | Twin-to-twin Transfusion Syndrome | Nicolaides-Baraitser Syndrome | Menkes Disease | Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome | Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic | Erythema Nodosum | Poikiloderma With Neutropenia | Aromatic L-amino Acid Decarboxylase Deficiency | Metabolic Diseases | Dominant Optic Atrophy | Absence Epilepsy | Colitis, Lymphocytic | Depression | Atrial Septal Defect | Haim-Munk Syndrome | Chitayat Syndrome | Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome | Maple Syrup Urine Disease | Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy 13 | Medium-chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency | Carcinoma, Transitional Cell | Antisocial Personality Disorder | Costello Syndrome | Neurodermatitis | McLeod Syndrome | Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 2D | Anorectal Fistula | Behavioral Variant Of Frontotemporal Dementia | Myoclonus | Cancer, Kidney | POEMS Syndrome | Androgen Insensitivity | Spinal Cord Diseases | Esotropia | Vitamin D Deficiency | Juvenile Hyaline Fibromatosis | Von Hippel-Lindau Disease | Retinal Diseases | Glomerulonephritis, Membranoproliferative | Williams Syndrome | Mitochondrial Disease | Hypopigmentation | Acute Lung Injury | Waardenburg Syndrome Type 4 | Central Core Disease | Parkinsonism | Tangier Disease | Atelosteogenesis Type 2 | Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis | Micropenis | Lipid Storage Diseases | X-linked Creatine Transporter Deficiency | Myasthenia Gravis | Leukemia | Leukoplakia | Bartter Syndrome | Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndrome 13 | Malonyl-CoA Decarboxylase Deficiency | Intellectual Disability, Autosomal Dominant 5 | Osteopetrosis | Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome | Polycystic Liver | Hepatic Veno-occlusive Disease | Hypolipoproteinemia | Synovitis | Dysferlinopathy | Keratoconjunctivitis | Bloom Syndrome | Discoid Lupus Erythematosus | Autosomal Recessive Spastic Paraplegia Type 35 | Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy 4 | Adenosine Deaminase Deficiency | Diabetes Insipidus, Neurogenic | Teratozoospermia | Kernicterus | Congenital Generalized Lipodystrophy | Epithelioid Hemangioma | Stuve-Wiedemann Syndrome | Currarino Syndrome | Hidradenitis | Frank-ter Haar Syndrome | Glycogen Storage Disease Type 5 | Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex With Mottled Pigmentation | Benign Hereditary Chorea | Necrobiosis Lipoidica | Diabetes Insipidus | Encephalopathy | Trismus-pseudocamptodactyly Syndrome | Retinal Dystrophy, Early-onset Severe | Uterine Leiomyoma | Retinoschisis | Patent Foramen Ovale | Cole-Carpenter Syndrome | Aarskog-Scott Syndrome | Pilomatrix Carcinoma | Hypertrophy | Intracranial Hypertension | Oligoastrocytoma | Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 3 | Schizoaffective Disorder | Sickle Cell Anemia | Panic Disorder | Anal Fissure | Gaze Palsy, Familial Horizontal, With Progressive Scoliosis, 2 | Keratosis, Actinic | Nephrotic Syndrome | Hypotrichosis Simplex | Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor | Bartsocas-Papas Syndrome | Gliosarcoma | Neutrophilia | Combined Malonic And Methylmalonic Acidemia | Batten Disease | Pemphigus | Papilloma | Sweet Syndrome | Raine Syndrome | Purpura, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic | Hennekam Lymphangiectasia-lymphedema Syndrome | Bietti Crystalline Dystrophy | Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase Deficiency, Cytosolic | Hemorrhagic Disorders | Uremia | Ocular Hypertension | Loeys-Dietz Syndrome | Cholangitis | Allan-Herndon-Dudley Syndrome | Congenital Heart Defects | Leishmaniasis, Visceral | Acne Vulgaris | Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type I | Chediak-Higashi Syndrome | Melanocytic Nevus | Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type VI | Acromicric Dysplasia | Corneal Dystrophy And Perceptive Deafness | Incontinentia Pigmenti | Jacobsen Syndrome | Epicondylitis | Snyder-Robinson Syndrome | Xeroderma Pigmentosum Variant Type | Apraxia | Infertility | Sporadic Inclusion Body Myositis | Hemangioblastoma | Hypertriglyceridemia | Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis | Exfoliative Dermatitis | Waardenburg Syndrome Type 2E | Cryptococcal Meningitis | Vitamin B12 Deficiency | Sporadic Hemiplegic Migraine | Congenital Afibrinogenemia | Subcortical Band Heterotopia | Multisystemic Smooth Muscle Dysfunction Syndrome | Pfeiffer Syndrome | Erythema Multiforme | Central Retinal Artery Occlusion | Polycystic Kidney, Autosomal Dominant | Danon Disease | Tremor | Polyneuropathy | Rickets | Hyperphenylalaninemia | Dysequilibrium Syndrome | Diabetic Nephropathy | Aldosteronism | Renal Hypouricemia | X-linked Sideroblastic Anemia | Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C | Meningococcal Infections | Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis | Lymphedema-distichiasis Syndrome | Greig Cephalopolysyndactyly Syndrome | Keratoacanthoma | Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, Atypical | Reye Syndrome | Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy | Meleda Disease | Congenital Torticollis | Adenocarcinoma | DICER1 Syndrome | Myopia | Lateral Meningocele Syndrome | Pleurisy | Dowling-Degos Disease | Porphyria, Acute Intermittent | Cat Eye Syndrome | Non-small Cell Lung Cancer | Gangliosidosis, GM1 | Amelogenesis Imperfecta | Allergic Contact Dermatitis | McKusick Type Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia | Anemia | Wieacker-Wolff Syndrome | Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1 | Headache | Fanconi Anemia | Jawad Syndrome | Hyperkeratosis | Leukodystrophies | Goiter | Thanatophoric Dysplasia Type 1 | Colon Adenoma | Hemolytic Anemia | LMNA-related Congenital Muscular Dystrophy | Pathological Gambling | Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess Syndrome | Autoimmune Interstitial Lung, Joint, And Kidney Disease | Cystinosis | Non-epidermolytic Palmoplantar Keratoderma | Ophthalmia, Sympathetic | Angiodysplasia | Carbonic Anhydrase VA Deficiency | Astrocytoma, Anaplastic | Ependymoma | Systemic Mastocytosis | Borderline Personality Disorder | Filariasis | Smith-Magenis Syndrome | Tuberculous Meningitis | Blue Nevus | Rotor Syndrome | Vitiligo | Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease | Genitopatellar Syndrome | Microphthalmia | Pterygium | Centronuclear Myopathy | Autosomal Recessive Bestrophinopathy | Hypertelorism | Bleeding Disorder Due To CalDAG-GEFI Deficiency | Cardiofaciocutaneous Syndrome | Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome | Pemphigus Vulgaris | Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 2E | Meningioma | Chronic Granulomatous Disease | ICF Syndrome | Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy | Desmosterolosis | Myoclonic Atonic Epilepsy | Megacystis-microcolon-intestinal Hypoperistalsis Syndrome | Sensorineural Hearing Loss | Fuchs Dystrophy | Metachondromatosis | Prediabetes | Portal Vein Thrombosis | Sclerosteosis | Duane Retraction Syndrome | Intestinal Tuberculosis | Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy | Protein S Deficiency | Crouzon Syndrome With Acanthosis Nigricans | Pituitary Stalk Interruption Syndrome | Pseudohypoparathyroidism Type 1B | Acromesomelic Dysplasia | Multiple Sclerosis, Relapsing-remitting | Autonomic Neuropathy | Brenner Tumor | Gingivitis | Gaucher Disease | Urea Cycle Disorder | Alopecia Areata | Vitamin A Deficiency | Microvillus Inclusion Disease | Dupuytren Disease | Pulmonary Vein Stenosis | Cone Dystrophy | Chronic Leukemia | Epilepsy | Dental Caries | Galactosialidosis | Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1 | Ischemia | Becker Muscular Dystrophy | Hyperinsulinemia | Carcinoid Syndrome | Tumoral Calcinosis | Pernicious Anemia | Osteopathia Striata With Cranial Sclerosis | Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome | Chorioretinitis | Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndrome | Fowler's Syndrome | Neurocutaneous Melanocytosis | Metachromatic Leukodystrophy | Mountain Sickness | Gray Platelet Syndrome | Pseudomyxoma Peritonei | Hypoglycemia | Glycogen Storage Disease | Acrodysostosis | Inflammatory Bowel Disease | Arteriovenous Malformations | Triphalangeal Thumb-polysyndactyly Syndrome | Trichomegaly | Chronic Neutrophilic Leukemia | Tetraplegia | Cervical Dystonia | Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma | Schindler Disease | Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome | Syndactyly | Fahr Disease | Familial Isolated Hyperparathyroidism | Hyperglycemia | Autosomal Recessive Spastic Paraplegia Type 75 | Transthyretin-related Amyloidosis | Long QT Syndrome Type 2 | Granular Corneal Dystrophy | Cantu Syndrome | Vitreoretinopathy, Proliferative | Fuchs Heterochromic Iridocyclitis | Ellis-Van Creveld Syndrome | Carbohydrate Metabolism Disorders | Panniculitis | Alstrom Syndrome | Congenital Muscular Dystrophy | Congenital Disorders Of Glycosylation Type II | Geleophysic Dysplasia | Arthritis, Reactive | Oligodendroglioma | Vici Syndrome | Smoldering Myeloma | Choroiditis | Phenylketonuria | Anovulation | Rosacea | Otitis Externa | Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia Type 4 | Acquired Partial Lipodystrophy | Colitis, Microscopic | Acanthosis Nigricans | Conduct Disorder | Platelet Disorders | Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia | Colitis | Contact Dermatitis | Renal Medullary Carcinoma | Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis | Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome | Glutaric Aciduria Type 2 | Pyoderma Gangrenosum | Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis Type 1 | Schnitzler Syndrome | Pulmonary Veno-occlusive Disease | Vitreoretinal Degeneration, Snowflake Type | Liddle Syndrome | Hypervalinemia | Endometritis | Astrocytoma | Sleep Apnea | Spinal Muscular Atrophy | Walker-Warburg Syndrome | ACTH-independent Macronodular Adrenal Hyperplasia | Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Tumor | Steel Syndrome | Gastritis | Lathosterolosis | Ganglioglioma | Hyperparathyroidism, Primary | Congenital Poikiloderma | Presbycusis | Giant Cell Arteritis | Babesiosis | Von Willebrand Disease | Extramammary Paget's Disease | Adenoma, Pituitary | Speech Disorders | Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 2 | Hydronephrosis | Stroke, Ischemic | Opisthorchiasis | ADNP Syndrome | Antisynthetase Syndrome | Relapsing Polychondritis | Episodic Ataxia Type 1 | Common Variable Immunodeficiency | Dystonia-parkinsonism, X-linked | Vulvovaginitis | Alagille Syndrome | Gastroschisis | GLUT1 Deficiency Syndrome | Meningeal Melanocytoma | Antenatal Bartter Syndrome Type 1 | Uremic Pruritus | Hereditary Pyropoikilocytosis | Pseudohypoparathyroidism Type 1C | Silver-Russell Syndrome | FG Syndrome | Odonto-onycho-dermal Dysplasia | Cervicitis | CHARGE Syndrome | Atrioventricular Septal Defect